Creating menus

In this section, we'll walk you through the steps to create a new menu for your location.

  1. From your account dashboard, select the desired location where you'd like to create the new menu.
  2. Inside the location, find and click on the "+ Create Menu" button. This will open the menu creation interface.
  3. Type in a name for your new menu. This will help customers easily identify the type of menu (e.g., Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Special Events).
  4. To provide additional information about your menu, you can write a brief description in the designated field. This might include details about the theme, ingredients, or any special promotions.
  5. You can choose to upload an image that represents your menu, adding visual appeal and context. Click on the "Upload Image" button or a similar option and select the desired image file from your device.
  6. Once you're satisfied with the menu details, click the "Save" button to finalize your new menu.

Your new menu is now ready for you to add categories and items, creating a customized dining experience for your customers.