Google Analytics integration

NeatMenu allows you to integrate Google Analytics with your location menus, providing valuable insights into visitor behavior and engagement. By adding your Google Analytics ID to a location, you can track menu views, user interactions, and more. To ensure privacy, IP addresses are anonymized by default.

Step-by-step guide to integrating Google Analytics

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account or create a new one if you haven't already.
  2. Locate your Google Analytics Tracking ID (it should look something like this: UA-XXXXXXX-X, G-XXXXXXX-X or similar). For more help finding your ID click here.
  3. Log in to your NeatMenu account and navigate to the dashboard.
  4. Select the location you want to integrate with Google Analytics.
  5. Click “Update location”.
  6. Enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID in the provided field and save your changes.

Anonymized IP addresses

To protect user privacy, NeatMenu automatically anonymizes IP addresses before sending data to Google Analytics. This ensures compliance with privacy regulations and helps maintain trust with your customers.

Need help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions about integrating Google Analytics with NeatMenu, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.